Ancient Egyptian term for the astral body.
A law in Hinduism maintaining that every act no matter how insignificant will eventually
return to the doer, good with good and evil with evil, if not in this life then in the next.
There are records of monks and nuns rising up whilst in prayer, it has been suggested
that levitation is possible due to molecules becoming refined to the point of the body changing onto a lighter plane. Energy
level increases have been suggested to raise the level in the atoms of our bodies and make levitation possible.
Ley Lines
Alignments of ancient sites, these are considered to be earth's natural energy lines
and also that spirit may use these lines as a way of travelling quickly from one place to another. It has also been suggested
that where two Ley Lines cross there is a possible chance of a portal opening to other dimensions.
Life After Death
The BIG question since the dawn of time, we are left to draw our own conclusions
from studying cases such as reincarnation, N.D.E's and the writings of Mediums.
Malevolent spirit is a way to describe a malicious supernatural force that causes harmful
acts to living beings.
Formation of an object or human figure that appears during a séance.
An individual who can communicate with spirits.
Near Death Experience, claimed to be a glimpse at life after death, the most common reports
are those of a tunnel with a bright light at the end, a place of great beauty, meeting loved ones, or visiting another dimension
and sometimes even that of hell.
Occam's Razor
The principle of preferring the simplest explanation of event, "a person should
not increase beyond what is necessary the number of entities required to explain anything".
A system of practice and belief, which assumes that there is the existence of supernatural,
paranormal and mysterious forces.
Orbs are allegedly the true spirit form and one theory is that these are seen at the beginning
of a manifestation. Orbs can be often caught in photographs.
Out Of Body Experience (O.O.B.E.)
A form of astral projection when the consciousness leaves the
physical body. Many reports of this come from people who have been involved in severe accidents or have been anaesthetised.
An example of this is when a patient undergoing an operation can see and hear the operation in progress.
The art of foretelling a person's future by reading the lines and features on their
Something that is unexplainable scientifically.
Activity connected with poltergeists is that of unexplainable rapping's and other
noises, also movement of items which are often thrown or smashed and in some cased fires have been known to start. This phenomenon
is generally connected to teenagers particularly teenage girls.
A medium can gain psychic information by holding a personal item such as a ring or
watch once belonging to a deceased person.
Integrating metaphysics with sympathetic magic or spiritualism with healing. The term
is generally used to describe frauds that dispense useless or harmful treatments to vulnerable people on their deathbeds.
Use of certain instruments to detect radiations or emitions from a living organism,
such as dowsing.
The belief that the Spirit or the Soul of a person can be reborn to a new life,
some people are able to remember past life personalities and experiences. This is a non-Christian belief, but many Eastern
cultures have always included reincarnation in their philosophy.
Someone who can sense a paranormal presence.
In the complete word finder Spirit is described as 'The vital animating essence of
a person, or animal, The Intelligent Being without a material body'. Soul is described as 'The immaterial part of a human
being, often regarded as immortal, vital, spirit or force, being, inner self.
A soul, spirit or apparition.
Table Turning
Movements that come from the table used during a séance, these are suggested as
being a form of communication from the spirit world.
The ability to transfer one persons thoughts to another,
this is not considered as supernatural phenomenon, many experiments into this area started enthusiastically around 1882 with
the beginning of the Society for Psychical Research. In 1903 Zenner cards were developed by K.E. Zenner and American psychologist,
these cards are widely used in E.S.P research with varying results.
Paranormal movement of an object from one place to another.
This is a property that is exhibited by certain gels. A
thrixopic gel maintains its shape and appears solid, but if it is subjected to certain forms of disturbance, such as shaking,
it will start to flow like liquid. Possible explanation for bleeding statues etc.
Mythical creatures who rise up out of their graves at night and feed of the blood of
Vanishing Islands
Such as Atlantis. These are geographical areas that seem to have vanished without
a trace.
Veridical Dream
A dream that relates to actual events of either the past, present or future, that
the dreamer is unaware of.
The masculine name for a witch, wizard or magician.
Mythical creatures that change from humans to wolves. These creatures can only be killed
with a silver bullet and the plant wolfs bane is said to act as a deterrent.
The alleged writing or speaking in a language that is unknown to the individual speaking
or writing it.
A mythical man beast or red haired ape 5-6 feet in height. Sighting of the Yeren have been
reported in Asia and the Shennongjia Mountains in Central China.
An ape like creature most often sighted in the U.S but also around the globe since
the mid 19th C. it has been suggested that bigfoot exists in another dimension and travels to this one via either, astral
projection or through portals, the latter has also been suggested for the loch ness monster.
Dead bodies with no souls, said to be created by black magic of voodoo sorcerers.
Zooform Phenomena
A term used to describe entities that resemble animals, but appear to be supernatural.